On Thursday we got a call in the morning from the assistants and they told us to get on a bus and go to Juarez that same day.... So at 5:00 p.m. we left for Juarez... There was a Military check point on the way there and we waited there for an hour while they checked the trailers in front of us. So we got to Juarez at about 11:00 at night. We were hungry but all the food places were closed and we had nothing to eat, so they let us go buy some stuff at a store nearbye.. so we bought sandwich stuff and got home, ate and went to bed at like 1:00 a.m. We had a meeting Friday morning about the changes in the mission and we will be going back this Thursday.... It's a good thing I love traveling or this would kill me.
But big news! The Pope is coming to Juarez this week so that should be interesting.... I'll let you know how that goes next week... Love you all and have a good week!
Elder St John
Wow! Your baptismal candidate is sure a go-getter and sounds super prepared!!! I'm happy for her and for you to get to participate in it all. I heard about the Pope coming to Juarez this morning on the news and thought of you--I wonder if you will get to see him? I'm sure his visit will cause quite a stir. Very fun.